Here's the full list of all the posts on the blog. I hope you enjoy browsing through them...
- Finding bugs with git bisect
- Testing IE on development sites
- Fancy an iPad? Get the Mini
- Printing discount codes on your business card
- Hiding data in Rails with default_scope
- Heroku deploy script (for Rails)
- Fun with Syck and Psych on Heroku
- Write a quick draft while it's fresh
- Securing Instiki with an SSH tunnel
- Using QUnit with CoffeeScript
- QUnit or Jasmine?
- Showing your laptop battery status in tmux
- Move commits from one branch to another
- Navigating your bundled gems in Vim
- Using minitest with Rails
- Running MacVim in your terminal
- Patching "bundle open" to set your current directory
- Building an agile startup
- Using Ack with CoffeeScript
- Life without an iPhone
- Act on great articles
- Don't hog the desk
- MongoDB in Action (free PDF)
- Quickly applying GitHub pull requests
- Is Apple hardware suitable for the enterprise?
- Automating bundle exec
- Host specific Vim config
- Swapping two files in git
- Ditch your smart phone
- Do freelancers need an office?
- Downgrading MySQL on Mac OS X
- Be a better navigator
- Changing Vim's window size
- Considerate driving
- Ruby Manor
- Find performance problems in your web logs
- Tools of the trade
- URL shortener for Basecamp
- Benchmarking Ruby exception handling
- Installing Nokogiri on Leopard
- Testing Rails with Rack::Test
- Installing the pg PostgreSQL gem on Mac OS X
- Companies House Rewired
- Deploying Merb with Vlad
- Installing Merb, DataMapper and Postgres on Ubuntu
- Deploying Sinatra with Vlad
- Sharing CSS between Rails and PHP
- Learning to Program
- Ruby Lightning Talks
- Notes from the Ruby Manor 2008 (part 2)
- Notes from the Ruby Manor 2008 (part 1)
- Optimising PNG images for the web
- Integration Testing for Multiple Web Applications
- Installing merb with thor
- Building do_mysql on a 64-bit Mac
- Debugging JavaScript in WebKit
- Configure the Expires header for Rails under nginx
- Merb and DataMapper on the edge
- The Pragmatic Programmer Erlang Screencasts
- Removing an entry from /etc/hosts on a Mac
- database.yml should be checked in
- Easy git-svn for Rails (or "git-me-up")
- What's in your bash history?
- Recovering Lost Commits with git reflog and reset
- Testing Merb controllers with RSpec
- Searching associations in DataMapper 0.3
- Monitoring BackgrounDRb with God
- Automate your sysadmin with adl
- Opening Ruby gems in TextMate