My open source projects
This is a small selection of my open source work; see my GitHub page for a longer list.
I haven't had a chance to put together a list of the commercial projects that I've worked on yet; if you're interested feel free to drop me a line.
Nesta CMS
Nesta is a file-based CMS and static site generator for developers and
designers, built with the Sinatra web framework. It's ideal for
people who like to write their content in Markdown, store it in a Git
repository, and deploy with git push
And if you like to write your HTML and CSS in an editor, preview them on a local server (without waiting for a build step), give it a look. Publishing tools like Nesta are quite common these days, but in 2009 this wasn't your typical blogging experience!
The code for Nesta (and a bunch of themes) can be found on my GitHub account. For more information head over to
Log monitoring and alerting
Band Saw was a syslog monitoring program that I wrote for the GNOME desktop, back in 2004. In many ways it's a lot less relevant now than it was, but there's a good story behind it and I wanted to share it.
It's also a rare example of me being able to open source some code that I wrote for an employer.
More open source...
There are plenty more repositories on GitHub, which are probably most easily browsed by language:
Related articles
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BandSaw gets search fields and a notification tray icon
There's a new release of BandSaw out, with some good new usability features.
Announcing the netsyslog Python package
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Spam Trainer 0.1.0 released
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Autotools with Python
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Should I retire LANdialler?
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