Advogato archive
My first dalliance with blogging was on a site called, back in 2004. I didn't post many articles, but they document some of my early open source work, so I wanted to archive my account here.
Those old articles
BandSaw 0.3.0 released
There's a new release of BandSaw out, fixing UI bugs and docs.
BandSaw gets search fields and a notification tray icon
There's a new release of BandSaw out, with some good new usability features.
Announcing the netsyslog Python package
I've written a Python library for creating Syslog UDP packets,
Spam Trainer 0.1.4 Released
Spam Trainer 0.1.4 has been released, fixing a bug relating to
Spam Trainer 0.1.1 Released
Spam Trainer 0.1.1 has been released, fixing a bug relating to
Spam Trainer 0.1.0 released
The first version of Spam Trainer has now been packaged and
Announcing Spam Trainer
I've used the Mono C# runtime to build a small GNOME application to help me train the Spambayes spam filter. Drag and drop good/spam emails onto the app to train Spambayes.
First version of Bandsaw released
Now that I've finished getting to grips with packaging Python applications with the GNU Autotools, I've released the first packages for my log monitoring and alerting app, Band Saw.
Autotools with Python
I've been using GNU Autoconf and Automake to make installation of a small GNOME app that I've been writing easier. I found some useful prior art.
The Agony of Choice
Thoughts on the options for packaging up applications for the GNOME desktop that are written in Python.
Should I retire LANdialler?
Is LANdialler still relevant in 2004, now that most people have got broadband? Should I work on something else instead?